Saturday, February 02, 2008


I hate re-runs. I especially hate re-runs of my favorite shows. One of the most annoying things is rushing home from somewhere on a Sunday night to make sure I do not miss "the bitches," (as we call them around here), only to find out it is a re-run of a show we have already seen. Desperate Housewives is one of my favorite shows and I LOVE those bitches, every last one of them. I despise being subjected to re-runs. I want everything to be fresh and new.

About five years ago, I took up running---again. I used to run in high school, but quit when I graduated. I used to run in college, but quit when I could not afford my gym membership. Even though I live in one of the best places in the world to run year around, I always ran on the treadmill. After completing graduate school, I decided to take up the sport again, as my backside was in need of some toning.

I ran my first 5k after tying one on at a wedding the night before and although I was slightly hungover, I was firmly bit by the running bug. The America's Finest City 5k race is run the same day as the America's Finest City Half Marathon. While I could not ever imagine running as far as a half marathon (13.1 miles), I decided that I wanted to run a marathon. Just like that. I began scouring the internet for training programs, races, and instruction on how an out of shape 30 year old could possibly run a marathon.

That Fall, I joined a running club. I embarked on an adventure like I had never known. I ran for the first time in a long time outside and loved it. The camaraderie of running with 20 other people at various ability and fitness levels was something I immediately cherished. I met my first running friend and her boyfriend (now married!) over some margaritas in Old Town San Diego after one of our long runs. After that, it became habit to go to Old Town each weekend and we have been friends ever since; Mr. Bear and I are spending Super Bowl Sunday with them this year. Although none of the three of us completed the marathon training, all three of us ran our first half marathon together. My love of running has only increased with time.

The following January, my new-found running buddies and I joined another running club that has 500+ members. We began training for our marathon, AGAIN. In mid-March, Mr. Bear and I discovered I was pregnant; an enormous shock to the two of us that had planned on being childless. I read everything I could, got the approval from my doctor to continue training, and attempted to run. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your perspective, I was unable to continue training for long. My marathon dream was shattered and while I wanted my baby to be healthy and happy, my heart broke a little bit. It may not make sense to everyone, but I had put everything I had in that training and to give up was devastating. I had invested ever bit of my time, effort, and self into running the June marathon.

I had already paid for my marathon entry and in June, I ran with my friend Tracey from the running club's water station to the finish line, some 3 miles or so. Although I did not get to complete the marathon, I was able to support my friend on the last three grueling miles. I knew that meant a lot to my friend, at the same time, a part of me mourned another marathon lost.

I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy, perfect baby girl in November and immediately knew my marathon sacrifice was every bit worth the joy of holding my precious first born in my arms. She changed my life and I have never regretted giving up that marathon, I only regret wasting so much sorrow on missing a silly marathon. It is only now that I see how selfish, foolish, and immature I was at that time.

Six weeks after having my little Allison Kate, I got the clearance from my doctor to run again, and I did so with such vigor. Mr. Bear brought Allison with him to watch me run, to support my dream, and to cheer me on. That six months leading up to the marathon meant everything to me and never had I felt so good, so strong.

On June 5, 2006, I got my re-run. I ran the Rock n' Roll Marathon in San Diego and completed it! It was a dream I had for so long and it finally came true. After all my hard work, it happened. It really happened! I can finally call myself a marathoner. At the finish line, I met up with Mr. Bear, my baby, and my two friends I ran my first half marathon with.

Despite my disdain for re-runs on t.v., this re-run was everything I could have wanted and more. If only all re-runs could feel this good!

Stay-at-home mom, runner, disgruntled...

Laura blogs at My Beautiful Life and lives in San Diego, California with her husband, 27 month old baby girl, two dogs, and a cat.

Laura is training for another marathon in June 2008. Today, Laura is running her first race of the year---Super Run 10K, in San Diego.

You can find more info about the Blog Exchange and how to participate, as well as the January participants and entries, by clicking here.

Lara is at Laura's place today!


soccer mom in denial said...

Nice play on re-runs. I hate television re-runs as well. My 39-year-old husband is training for his first marathon.

Not sure if he'll have a re-run though.

Mrs. Chili said...

HAHAHAHA - NICE one, Soccer Mom!

This was a great post. I'm a fitness instructor who never - ever - took up running. I just never figured it out...