This was a very short week at school, so only three outfits to show you:
And tomorrow morning I am onto a school bus with a bunch of high schoolers to a mountain retreat where I will get pretty much no sleep but probably have an awesome time. (And the first one to point out the run-on nature of that last sentence gets a boot in the face.)
The last time I went on this retreat, this is what happened.
(Seriously, did you click? It won't take long - just go look at the pictorial evidence. Then come back.)
That was last year. I am now taking all bets on what will and/or will not happen this year.
Come on, be creative....
You'll lead the entire group in the Thriller dance?!?
Aaaaaw, don't jump!
I like outfit #3. We were supposed to vote, right? Where's my prize?
I like outfit #3, but hairstyle #2. Just call me Tim Gunn..
You've already been dunked and jumped onto the bouncing thing. What else could possibly happen in a weekend? Bungee jumping?
wow that looked just horrible, ahem, cough.
Damn, that looked like fun.
I didn't see this before we left, but I don't think I get to participate in the betting - I'm pretty sure that would be cheating. ;)
You are incredibly brave - and that photo sequence was absolutely cool!
Hope this trip was just as memorable.
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