Thursday, July 06, 2006

Before and After

Excerpts from my carpool on the way to our placement school this morning:

AL: "I have no idea how I'm supposed to do my pre-assessment if my CT's already planned everything out."

Me: "Yeah, my CT pretty much has her own plan, but I think that's because she's trying to ease us into it."

H: "I think we need experience before the fall, though, I mean-"

AL: "Yeah, exactly, and we're not getting it!"

AM: "We need the break, though, with all this homework. Did you guys finish all your work for C&I?"

H and me: "Ha!" "No way." "Two chapters left." etc.

AL: "How much work did you have?"

Me: "I was up until 2am and didn't finish."

AM: "Yeah, these hours are going to kill me."

H: "I'm not used to so much caffeine in such a short period of time..."

And so on, for the thirty minute trip to school. Very social and engaged conversation, even if a lot of it was genial complaining.

Excerpts from our return trip in the afternoon:





Me: *sneeze*

AL: "Bless you."

Me: "Thanks."




H: *zzzzzz...*




AM: *zzzzzz...*



AL: "I'm beat."

Me: "Yeah."



Anonymous said...

I really love the new blog. Keep up the good mix of humor & serious introspection. I never stop being impressed by you. And I wish you the best of luck with your journey. Lots of hugs...

Lara said...

yay - i'm glad you're enjoying it. i love the feedback (everyone else, please feel free to give feedback at any time, because i really appreciate it!), and i'm touched by your words. love you!