Well, it's late in the day, because of the Blog Exchange (did you check it out? Did you leave comments?), but we are going to manage to sneak in a little bit of Sunday Google-age for you. I know you're stoked. STOKED. I can feel it.
what are the different ways to love myself? - Well, gosh, there are so many. Most of the good ones involve props, though...
pictures of legs with pedicures gone bad - Why would you want to see these? Are you trying to get evidence for a fake lawsuit or something? You'll have to go elsewhere - I've never had a good pedicure go bad on me.
hooters girls without shirts - Seriously, don't you already get to see enough with the shirts on?

poem misunderstood anonymous - I didn't realize poems were capable of misunderstanding things. But keep looking around for whatever it is you were hoping to find - April is National Poetry Month, so odds will be better for the next thirty days than they were before.
black flip flops with silver studs - These sound cute! Let me know when you find some. And then tell me where I can buy them.
winnie the pooh flip flops - These sound less cute, unless you're a very small child. A non-ugly small child.
when life kicks your ass quotation - How about, "I hope life isn't just a big joke, because if it is, I don't get it." Or, "Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me. You." Do either of those seem like a good fit? They're both from "Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey.
Diary of Adam and Eve espanol - Los diarios de Adam y Eve.

we are all something but none of us are everything - Deep. Thanks for sharing. I'll stitch that on a sampler and hang it by my bed.
My education began with - ... learning how to write complete sentences? ... learning about objects of prepositional phrases? ... a harsh slap on the wrist from a very annoyed English teacher?
"eat your feet" - Eat your own feet, loser.
31 flavors sneakers - Baskin-Robbins has gone into shoe apparel, or so it would seem. I'm going out to get me some mint chocolate chip running shoes. I wonder if I can get chocolate peanut butter pumps. Mmmm... now I'm craving chocolate peanut butter ice cream. And new pumps.
life of an enabler - A new tell-all book, coming in June.
DANCE FOR TODDLERS, MO - Boy, you guys are caps-lock crazy this week. Dancing for toddlers is great, but if you find them giving you that blank stare, you might want to re-evaluate your moves.
Life the Ongoing Education - Yes, that would be me. And thank you so much for joining us. You could bookmark the page, if you think you'll be visiting often.
lara home movies - Ha! Many of these exist. They will likely never surface here. I am, however, open to bribes. I mean, incentives.
help flats give me blisters - You poor thing! They do that to the best of us. You have a couple of options here: Invest in band-aids, or buy higher-quality flats. I recommend the band-aids.
My Dog digs in garbage - Hey, so do our cats! What does your Dog find? Is it as gross as what our cat found? And how come your Dog gets to be capitalized?
overdose on trident gum - Wow, that's pretty bad. Did it make you crap yourself? 'Cause that's what happened to some other wayward Googler a couple weeks ago. I'm becoming very suspicious of Trident gum...

you are such a disappointment - Takes one to know one, jerk.
I am so honored by your kind words - I'm so glad. Um, which kind words, exactly?
boob sunburn - Ooh, Aly had an awful one of these some number of months ago. From what I hear (and the pictures I saw), it was really unpleasant. And apparently, Jase still teases her about the tanline it left.
And finally...
where's the spumoni? - Right here!

I am so glad you squished in some Google-age today, dear! :) Made my Monday! :P
I just realized I haven't posted in a while.
Love your Googlage! Wait..that sounded wierd...
Anyway, thanks for posting it!
Ooh! I had a bad boob sunburn when I made the mistake of nude tanning bed hopping. The lobster red skin bikini is never a good thing.
OK! I PROMISE!! I'll do a blog on the questions you sent me! I've just been so busy with phone guy #1, the restoration guys, the plumber(s), phone guy #2 and Bert the tortoise, that I haven't had the room or the time on my blogs!! But I PROMISE!! I DO! REALLY.....
That's a lot of spumoni.
I never get interesting blog searches. I think I need to come up with better blog entry titles.
that was fun! you get a lot more interesting search words than i do! :o)
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